Parish Community

The church is more than a club or association. The church, says St. Paul, is the Body of Christ, the living organism through which Christ continues to carry out the ministry of redemption he began in Galilee 2,000 years ago. Christ lives in all of us who in baptism have been made members of his body.

The programs listed below are all means aimed at Body-building: strengthening the relationships that connect us with one another and with Christ so that the ministry which we share may flourish.

Mission & Outreach 
Administration & Finance    

The ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION COMMITTEE schedules the speakers for the Sunday morning Sunday Symposium. Two identical Sunday Symposium sessions are held in the Library, at 9:10 a.m. and at 11:30 a.m., most Sundays from September through June.  The committee also works with the parish clergy to plan Lenten study groups, parish quiet days, retreats, and other special events.

The BANNER GUILD is a group of women and men who get together frequently to work on projects for our own parish and commissions for other international parishes. In addition to enhancing the beauty of the church, the Banner Guild offers a sense of community and fellowship for its members. The Guild continues to expand and always welcomes new people, skilled and unskilled, to work with them Mondays and Fridays from 11:00 to 2:00.

The BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW is a fellowship and service organization of the Episcopal Church. The chapter at Trinity sponsors breakfast and Bible study following the Wednesday 7 a.m. Eucharist. This group of men and women also helps support parish outreach projects.

CHURCH SCHOOL: The Christian education of our children is a responsibility of the entire community. Church School is grounded in the life and the worship of the parish. The curriculum is detailed on the Christian education page. While working within the existing community of children at Trinity, there is also concern for the world around us through missionary projects and outreach to the surrounding neighborhood. Many talents of the parish are used during the Church School year.

The GUILD OF THE CHRIST CHILD supports the parents and godparents of our children. Greetings, prayers, and informative leaflets are sent when a baby arrives, at Baptism, and twice a year for three years following Baptism.

HOSPITALITY at Trinity includes Friendship Breakfasts, receptions, suppers, and various special events throughout the year. The committee is always seeking volunteers to work for single events or to make a longer-term commitment.

The (K)NAVES, the parish drama production group, presents several plays a year, as well as a dramatic reading of the Gospel on Palm Sunday and other occasional events. The (K)naves welcome those who would enjoy acting in their productions or working with sets, costumes, or lighting.

The parish MUSIC AND ARTS SERIES offers a number of events at Trinity Church throughout the year, as well as special music at services on Christmas and Easter. Mailings publicizing upcoming events are sent out regularly. The annual appeal for this series is held in January/February.

The PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE is responsible for fostering greater involvement of parishioners in the ministry of the parish and also for strengthening relationships between parishioners, as well as for programs to attract, identify, and incorporate new parishioners.

The PASTORAL CARE TEAM meets monthly for continuing education and training. The group visits shut-ins and those in hospitals, and coordinates a Prayer Tree to offer prayers for parish members and friends wishing to be prayed for on an intentional and regular basis. Those interested in joining the team will be welcomed and should contact the office for more information.

VAN DRIVERS are needed to pilot Trinity's 15-passenger van around the Hartford area. It picks up children and adults for Sunday services, Church School, and special parish events. Anyone driving passengers in the van must have a Connecticut passenger service license. To acquire such a license, drivers must have a doctor's examination, a police background check, and submit necessary forms and fees to the Department of Motor Vehicles. The parish will reimburse expenses related to obtaining this special license. If you are interested in being a van driver, contact the parish office for forms and detailed directions for obtaining a passenger service license.


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